Soluciones integradas de tecnología avanzada e inteligencia artificial

Bienvenido al futuro. Nuestra plataforma unificada basada en la nube integra a la perfección tecnologías avanzadas e inteligencia artificial para mejorar tus programas, agilizar los procesos y magnificar el impacto. Experimente las innovaciones tecnológicas en su máxima expresión, sin necesidad de actualizar la versión.

Su asistente virtual dedicado

Toca, escribe o habla con Genny®, el asistente virtual integrado en la plataforma. Desarrollado por IA e incluido de serie para todos los abonados. Simplifique el acceso de los usuarios y mejore su experiencia.
Próximamente: GennyGPT, con tecnología GPT-4, para una experiencia de asistencia más completa.

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Conozca a Genny ® - La Asistente Virtual de Benchmark Gensuite

Integrated Artificial Intelligence

Uncover deeper key operational insights with our incomparable and unparalleled AI-powered solutions for worker protection and identifying emerging health & regulatory risks. There’s nothing like it anywhere else.​
Benchmark Gensuite PSI AI Advisor

La primera solución integrada en una plataforma impulsada por IA que identifica automáticamente los incidentes potencialmente graves (PSI) para proporcionar información clara y práctica para la reducción de riesgos.

Benchmark Gensuite Describe-It AI Advisor

Ensure high quality & complete descriptions— every time—  in every data-logging form; from incidents to corrective actions to safety concerns for improved communication, accurate reviews, and expedited follow-up.

Benchmark Gensuite Executive AI Advisor

The ready to work, fully integrated AI solution designed to continuously monitor incoming data streams – record by record – to flag potentially serious occurrences and key risk precursors for expedited risk mitigation. The essential XO to every functional leader!

Integrated Artificial Intelligence

Uncover deeper key operational insights with our incomparable and unparalleled AI-powered solutions for worker protection and identifying emerging health & regulatory risks. There’s nothing like it anywhere else.

Benchmark Gensuite PSI AI Advisor

The first AI-powered platform-integrated solution that automatically identifies potentially serious incidents (PSIs) to provide clear, actionable insights for risk reduction

Benchmark Gensuite Describe-It AI Advisor

Ensure high quality & complete descriptions— every time—  in every data-logging form; from incidents to corrective actions to safety concerns for improved communication, accurate reviews, and expedited follow-up.

Benchmark Gensuite Executive AI Advisor

The ready to work, fully integrated AI solution designed to continuously monitor incoming data streams – record by record – to flag potentially serious occurrences and key risk precursors for expedited risk mitigation. The essential XO to every functional leader!

Benchmark Gensuite ChemAdvisor

Identify emerging chemical risks and toxicological impacts of the chemicals being used across your operations through an integrated Chemical Management and Material Approval System AI— powered by Praedicat

Visión por ordenador avanzada

Experimente la potencia de la visión por ordenador avanzada con SuperVision AI de Benchmark Gensuite. Detecte peligros potenciales y cuasi accidentes en su lugar de trabajo con una precisión y eficacia sin precedentes.

Benchmark Gensuite SuperVision

Discover SuperVision AI: Your Safety Sentinel. SuperVision AI delivers a holistic, real-time view on operational activities and risks. Leverage facility cameras and network in other devices to identify & alert your on-site workforce to safety hazards & risks during day-to-day operations— preventing injuries and ensuring compliance. The AI model and solutions are provided by Benchmark Gensuite’s trustworthy partners and integrated seamlessly into your Benchmark Gensuite workflow applications such as Concern Reporting through the unified, integrated digital platform.

Key Features:

Advanced Computer Vision

Experience the power of Advanced Computer Vision with SuperVision AI from Benchmark Gensuite. Detect potential hazards and near-misses on your worksite with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

Benchmark Gensuite​ SuperVision

Discover SuperVision AI: Your Safety Sentinel. SuperVision AI delivers a holistic, real-time view on operational activities and risks. Leverage facility cameras and network in other devices to identify & alert your on-site workforce to safety hazards & risks during day-to-day operations— preventing injuries and ensuring compliance. The AI model and solutions are provided by Benchmark Gensuite’s trustworthy partners and integrated seamlessly into your Benchmark Gensuite workflow applications such as Concern Reporting through the unified, integrated digital platform.

Key Features:

  • PPE Compliance: Ensure proper use of helmets, glasses, and vests.
  • Moving Object Monitoring: Prevent accidents with vehicle and pedestrian control.
  • Lifting Operations Control: Safeguard lifting zones with area and worker capacity monitoring.
  • Rapid Man Down Response: Accelerate emergency assistance for injured personnel.

Our Partners

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Internet de los objetos (IoT) y wearables

Vinculación de los dispositivos wearables y las tecnologías y dispositivos con Benchmark Gensuite para trabajadores conectados y monitorización medioambiental y de seguridad seguridad, incluyendo:
Wearables que alertan del estrés térmico
Wearables de detección de riesgos eléctricos
Wearables de control de riesgos ergonómicos
Sensores de localización
Sondas de temperatura
Realidad aumentada

DXP | Data Integrator

Seamlessly integrate, transform, and publish data from across your organization and Benchmark Gensuite solutions

Automate data management from a variety of sources—internal and external to your organization—with a unified platform for data integration across systems. DXP| Data Integrator provides a common framework for system integrations with data transformation setup and enables multiple uses of data sets without additional IT setup or support, so you can integrate and flow data into and out of Benchmark Gensuite with ease.

Key Features:
  • Self-Service Portal for defining & managing data sources

  • Management interface to view all integrations in one place

  • Total visibility of data flows for verification and traceability

  • Secure access by authorized internal/external stakeholders

  • Integration with Tableau for monitoring and reporting

  • Built-in APIs for data consumption by external systems

  • No code/low code options to customize

  • Opportunities for Advanced Tech – AI/ML Bots

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API de plataforma: conectar sistemas para lograr la máxima interoperabilidad

Experimente una integración y productividad sin precedentes con las API de plataforma de Benchmark Gensuite, su clave para un ecosistema digital armonizado.
  • Acceso a datos externos: Busque y utilice la información de los empleados, las horas trabajadas y mucho más dentro del sistema Benchmark.

  • Iniciación del flujo de trabajo: Automatice el registro de datos de sensores IoT e inicie el análisis de la causa raíz de incidentes desde sistemas externos.

  • Publicación de información: publique métricas en los sitios web de las empresas y proporcione actualizaciones de estado sin esfuerzo.

  • Seguridad de datos estándar del sector: Benefíciese de la autenticación de acceso a la API, la transmisión cifrada de datos (SSL) y una completa documentación de la API.

  • Amplia compatibilidad de aplicaciones: Más de 20 API de Benchmark, listas para sistemas interoperables e integraciones.

  • Ejemplo de integración de API para la recopilación de datos e informes sobre sostenibilidad y ASG Socio de IA integrado:

Eleva tus procesos de negocio y flujos de trabajo con las APIs de la Plataforma de Benchmark Gensuite, integración optimizada para una máxima eficiencia, conectando tus sistemas a la perfección para un ecosistema digital unificado.

Platform APIs – Connecting Systems for Maximum Interoperability

Experience unparalleled integration and productivity with Benchmark Gensuite’s Platform APIs, your key to a harmonized digital ecosystem.


  • External Data Access: Lookup and use employee information, hours worked, and more within the Benchmark System.
  • Workflow Initiation: Automate data logging from IoT sensors and initiate incident root cause analysis from external systems.
  • Information Publishing: Post metrics to company websites and provide status updates effortlessly.​
  • Industry-Standard Data Security: Benefit from API access authentication, encrypted data transmission (SSL), and comprehensive API documentation.​
  • Extensive Application Compatibility: Over 20+ Benchmark APIs, ready for interoperable systems and integrations.
  • Example API integration for  Sustainability and ESG Data Collection and Reporting Integrated AI Partner:
Elevate your business processes and workflows with Benchmark Gensuite’s Platform APIs, streamlined integration for maximum efficiency, connecting your systems seamlessly for a unified digital ecosystem.

Platform APIs - Connecting Systems for Maximum Interoperability

Experience unparalleled integration and productivity with Benchmark Gensuite’s Platform APIs, your key to a harmonized digital ecosystem.
  • External Data Access: Lookup and use employee information, hours worked, and more within the Benchmark System.

  • Workflow Initiation: Automate data logging from IoT sensors and initiate incident root cause analysis from external systems.

  • Information Publishing: Post metrics to company websites and provide status updates effortlessly.​

  • Industry-Standard Data Security: Benefit from API access authentication, encrypted data transmission (SSL), and comprehensive API documentation.​

  • Extensive Application Compatibility: Over 20+ Benchmark APIs, ready for interoperable systems and integrations.

  • Example API integration for  Sustainability and ESG Data Collection and Reporting Integrated AI Partner:

Elevate your business processes and workflows with Benchmark Gensuite’s Platform APIs, streamlined integration for maximum efficiency, connecting your systems seamlessly for a unified digital ecosystem.

Benchmark Gensuite APIs

Ready for Interoperable Systems Integrations!

Dashboards & Analytics

Libere el poder de sus datos con los cuadros de mando y análisis de Benchmark Gensuite: Sus datos, visualizados y simplificados. ¡Con el software integrado Tableau (R ) incluido sin coste adicional para todos los suscriptores!

U Connect®: colaboración remota en la aplicación

Colaboración sin fisuras al alcance de la mano: experimente una conectividad y eficiencia sin precedentes con U Connect.